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1. General. 1.1 Installation and servicing must only be carried out by a competent person whose name appears on the Gas Safe register. To ensure the engineer is Instructions for Use, Installation & Servicing STUDIO 1. BALANCED FLUE. STUDIO 2. BALANCED FLUE. STUDIO 3. BALANCED FLUE. 123-309. 123-162. 123-032. Complete your Studio Slimline with one of Gazco's smart framing options, allow the installation into conventionally constructed walls without the need Gazco Studio 1 Slimline fires offer all the distinctive hallmarks that are Ideal for cavity wall installation; Includes thermostatic remote control INsTRucTIONs. ON hOw. TO. OPeRATe. ANd. MAINTAIN. yOuR. GAzcO 1. Installer notified GasSafe/Local Authority of installation via Competent Persons Scheme INsTRucTIONs. ON hOw. TO. OPeRATe. ANd. MAINTAIN. yOuR. GAzcO 1. Installer notified GasSafe/Local Authority of installation via Competent Persons Scheme Installation Instructions. 1. General. This manual has been designed to show the available when installing a Studio Slimline with the Gazco Zero. STUDIO. Balanced Flue - Stone Chippings and Log. Instructions for Use,. Installation and 1. Flue is correct for appliance. 2. Flue flow test N/A. Gazco Edge Installation Kit for Studio 1 Slimline Glass Fronted, Balanced Flue by registering your fire with Gazco. Specifications. Delivery. Manualsavailable in your region please consult your Gazco retailer. Installation Instructions. 1. Flue & Chimney Requirements.
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